Dude, I love your work. It's always something interesting and new to me. If I EVER find an error, (fat chance of that, right?) I'll let you know. Be safe, and stay warm.
Dude, I love your work. It's always something interesting and new to me. If I EVER find an error, (fat chance of that, right?) I'll let you know. Be safe, and stay warm.
I is confused... what is this?
The French, roughly translated, is "Five more minutes please?" right?
Interesting, but why is it in a canal? Is it trying to escape from someone else?
Because cars have the ability to leave roads.
Cool looking. Kinda looks like a cross between SGT Hammer from Heroes of the Storm and Tank Girl.
I gotta agree worth LockNLock. T or M Pinoy.
i'll wait for tom to message me to confirm that
Bring me your fire and I'll match it with my own.
Nice as always man! But here's a challenge for you. The WOW slimes. Ugliest thing out there. Try to make one beautiful.
thank you !!!
Age 27, Other
Joined on 3/26/14